Friday 28 October 2011

Last 10 Things Seen In the Theatre Meme #4

List the last 10 things you saw at the theatre in order:

1. Earthquakes in London (Richmond Theatre)
2. How To Be Happy (Orange Tree Theatre)
3. The Importance of Being Earnest (Rose Theatre, Kingston)
4. Farewell To The Theatre (Rose Theatre, Kingston)
5. Othello (Sheffield Crucible)
6. South Downs/The Browning Version (Minerva, Chichester)
7. Street Scene (Young Vic)
8. Grief (National Theatre, Cottesloe)
9. Dr. Marigold and Mr. Chops (Richmond Theatre)
10. Boys Plays (Above the Stag)

Who was the best performer in number one (Earthquakes in London)?
Toss-up between Tracey-Ann Oberman and Paul Shelley.

Why did you go to see number two (How To Be Happy)?
Reviewing assignment.

Can you remember a line/lyric from number three (The Importance of Being Earnest) that you liked?
Even people who’ve never seen this play can remember lines from it! Stick a pin in the text and you’ll find a memorable epigram. I think my favourite is Gwendolen’s "I am pleased to say that I have never seen a spade."

What would you give number four (Farewell To The Theatre) out of 10?
A charitable 4.

Was there someone hot in number five (Othello)?
Ahem! West! Gilbreath! Shame on Shakespeare for not giving them a happy ending, though.

What was number six (South Downs/The Browning Version) about?
Oh, lots of things. Mainly, perhaps, what unexpected acts of kindness can do.

Who was your favourite actor in number seven (Street Scene)?
A strong ensemble but I suppose  Elena Ferrari just takes it.

What was your favourite bit in number eight (Grief)?
The scene in which Marion Bailey’s Gertrude finds Lesley Manville’s Dorothy in distress and the characters almost - but don’t quite - break through to honest communication touched me a lot. Classic Leigh, brilliantly done.

Would you see number nine (Dr. Marigold and Mr. Chops) again?
Could do.

What was the worst thing about number ten (Boys Plays)?
The first play in the double-bill was fairly lacklustre.

Which was best?
Not a fashionable view, but I thought Grief was absolutely wonderful.

Which was worst?
Farewell To The Theatre. All too aptly titled, I’m afraid.

Did any make you cry?
In approximate order of amount of tears shed: Grief, The Browning Version, Street Scene, Othello.

Did any make you laugh?
Earthquakes in London, How To Be Happy, The Importance of Being Earnest, Othello, Grief, Dr. Marigold and Mr. Chops.

Which roles would you like to play in any of them?
Judging by two of the locations in which it ended up in this production, Desdemona’s handkerchief looked to be having a rather jolly time. Alternatively, Sam in Street Scene so I get to sing “Lonely House.”

Which one did you have the best seats for?
How To Be Happy and Grief. Go small theatres!


  1. Interesting idea for a meme - My answers would go like so...

    1 A LONELY PLACE TO DIE (Toronto Underground)
    2 LOVE (Toronto Underground)
    3 YOUNG ADULT (The Lightbox)
    4 THREE MUSKETEERS (Silvercity)
    5 TAKE SHELTER (The Varsity)
    6 THE INTERRUPTERS (The Lightbox)
    7 HOOP DREAMS (The Lightbox)
    8 FOOTLOOSE (The Varsity)
    9 RED STATE (The Grande)
    10 TRISHNA (The Lightbox)

    (Guess it's no secret which Toronto theatre is my favorite)

    Best in 1 - Easily melissa George as a pretty awesome Final Girl

    Why 2 - Played as part of Toronto After Dark film festival, and was one of the few I really wanted to see there.

    Line from 3 - ""He knew me when I was at my best."

    Score for number 4 - 5/10

    Hottie in Number 5 - Jessica Chastain!

    What was 6 About? - A documentary about a group that tries to stem the tide of violence in Chicago's south side (It's one of the very best of the year)

    Favorite Actor in 7 - Another doc, so this answer should come with an asterisk, but probably Arthur Agee's father, who has a lot of trouble staying clean and being a proper influence.

    Favorite bit in number 8 - It's hard to top a demolition derby with burning schoolbuses!

    Watch number 9 again - Hell no.

    The worst thing about 10 - It's ending, which I did not buy.

    The best was TAKE SHELTER (with THE INTERRUPTERS close behind)
    The worst was RED STATE.
    None made me cry, but INTERRUPTERS got me misty.
    the role I'd most like to play is Patton Oswalt's role in YOUNG ADULT.
    I almost always have damned good seats, but given that HOOP DREAMS included a Q&A with the director afterwards and I was good and close I'll go with that.

    Cool post!

  2. Thanks, Ryan. Yes, it's a fun meme, this one. Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for sharing.
