Monday 3 May 2010

Lynn Redgrave (1943-2010)

Very sad news, yet again, for the Redgraves.


  1. Yes, how terribly sad. What an awful year the Redgraves have had...poor Vanessa! To lose a daughter and two siblings in the space of a year. She must be reeling. However, I always felt vaguely sorry for Lynn - she was undoubtedly in the shadow of her older sister ...who was always just 'more' somehow, if you know what I mean!
    Funnily enough, we tried to watch 'Georgy Girl' just recently but it was so dreadfully dated that we turned it off. Coincidentally, the author of 'Georgy Girl,' Margaret Forster, is also very ill at the moment with bone cancer.

  2. I didn't know about Margaret Forster's illness... That's awful. Have only read HIDDEN LIVES of hers, but you're a big fan of LADY'S MAID, aren't you?

    Yes, terrible year for Vanessa. And a horrible irony is that her last stage role was in THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING, the adaptation of Joan Didion's "grief memoir". (Did you ever read it? It's very good.)

    I saw GEORGY GIRL some years back, and didn't like it much, though I might give it another go sometime.
