I didn't catch much of the Glastonbury coverage this year; every time I switched on all that seemed to be happening was inane chatter from presenters or an endless Ray Davies set. But the general consensus seems to be that it was a sucessful year, and the atypically good weather was certainly appreciated. (Though it seems unbelievable that people would go to one of the most famous rock festivals in the world and then spend the last afternoon there watching football on a giant screen! Only in England, surely?) Of the bit of footage I did see, LCD Soundsystem was the act that I enjoyed the most, and their set convinced me that I really do need to get a copy of This is Happening, after all. (I wasn't as enamoured of Sound of Silver as everyone else seemed to be.) James Murphy looks like such an unlikely dance-rock God, but he sometimes sounds like Jim Morrison circa L.A. Woman. No bad thing, that.
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