Friday 27 August 2010

The Mammoth Movie Meme: Day 27

Day 27 - Best villain

Robert Patrick’s morphing, mutating T-1000 in James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). Certainly the most formidable Nanomorph mimetic poly-alloy assassin the screen has ever seen.


  1. best movie baddie..... hummmmmmmmmmm
    has to be VEDA from MILDRED PIERCE...she was a f*cking cow!!!

  2. Mr. Cameron - with his techinical wizardry - should've pitted her against the T-1000.

    PS. I love Pauline Kael's comment on POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE: "This movie is like MILDRED PIERCE told from Ann Blyth's point-of-view..."
